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  • [Beta] TeamSpeak 3 Client rilasciato

    Ho il piacere di annunciare il rilascio della versione Client di TeamSpeak Beta.
    Questa release comporta il fix di numerosi bug, concentrati in parte nella versione per Mac OS X e relativi al Codec Opus. Sono stati corretti inoltre molti bug grafici presenti in tutte le versioni.

    Di seguito trovate i changelogs.
    === Client Release 22 Mar 2013+ Fixed gatekeeper error starting the 3.0.10 client on Mac OS X
    * Updater will in addition to renaming updated DLLs and exe also move them
      to a folder "old" to avoid Qt loading the old plugin DLLs.
    * Export missing requestClientEditDescription to Lua
    + Added some context menu entries into whisper history
    - Various ui bugfixes
    - Stereo recording in DirectSound works properly now
    - Recording from sources with more than 2 channels should downmix properly to 
      2 channels now (in stead of just using the first 2 channels)
    - Adjusted default position of windows when opened for the first time when the
      position has not yet been stored.
    - Added more default languages to the Mac OS X app bundle affecting the Mac
      menu, which is independant from Qt translation files.
    - Fixed Upload button of IconView dialog on Mac OS X
    - Removed warning spam message on Mac OS X when connecting to a TSDNS server.
    - Fixed tooltip for United Kingdom
    - Fixed possible crash in Add-Hotkey dialog
    - Fixed crash when right-clicking on the background area of notification
    - Do not replace "-" with "−" in hostmessage dialog.
    - Adjusted package installer to work properly if plugins do not follow the
      recommended name scheme of _win32.dll and _win64.dll
    - Fixed possible crash when deleting profiles.
    - Fixed encoding when invitation contains channel password with spaces.
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    Indirizzo: voice.team-speak.it